Olsen Lab Members
Michelle Olsen, PhD
BS Biochemistry, Southern Oregon University
PhD Neurobiology, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Email: molsen1@vt.edu
Sarvin Jahanbani, MS
PhD Student, Genetics, Genomics and Computational Biology
MS, Medical Technology, Shahroud University of Medical School, Iran
BS, Genetics, Chamran University of Ahwaz, Iran
Email: sarvin9@vt.edu
Jack Browning, BS
PhD Student
Genetics, Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
BS, Neuroscience, Virginia Tech
Email: jackb7@vt.edu
Sushmita Basak, MS
PhD Student
Translational Biology, Medicine and Health
MS, Microbiology, University of Dhaka
BS (honors), Microbiology, University of Dhaka
Email: sushmita@vt.edu
Yuhang Pan, BS
PhD Student
Genetics, Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
BS, Neuroscience, Virginia Tech
Email: yuhang@vt.edu
Sachi Watsen, BS
Laboratory Technician
BS, Neuroscience, Virginia Tech
Email: sachiwatsen@vt.edu
Past Member: Xiaoran Wei, PhD
PhD Biomedical and Veterinary Sciences (BMVS)
Current Position: Soon to start postdoctoral fellowship with Dr. Ian Maze, Mt. Sinai, Icahn School of Medicine
Past Member: Jiangtao Li, PhD
PHD Genetics, Genomics and Computational Biology
Current Position: soon to start postdoctoral fellow with Dr. Sabrina Simoes, Columbia University
Past Member, Raymundo Hernandez, PhD
PhD, Translational Biology in Medicine and Health
Awarded DSPAN F99 in 2021
Current Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Steven Sloan, Emory University
Past Member: Beatriz Torres Ceja, PhD
PhD, Neuroscience, Virginia Tech
Awarded NIH F31 Fellowship
Current Position: Scientific Medical Liaison, AbbVie
Past Member: Leanne Holt, PhD
PhD Neuroscience, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Awarded NIH F31 Fellowship
Current Position- Post-doctoral fellow, in the lab of Eric Nestler, PhD, Mt Sinai
Past Member: Jessica Boni, PhD
PhD, Cell, Molecular and Developmental Biology, University of Alabama at Birmingham
T32 Appointee Cell, Molecular and Dev Biology, UAB
Current Position-Post-Doctoral Fellow, in the lab of Pam VandeVord, Biomedical Engineering, Virginia Tech
Past Member: Kelsey Patterson, MD, PhD
PhD Cellular, Molecular and Developmental Biology, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Current Position-Pediatric Neurology Residency, University of Colorado
Past Member: Vishnu Cuddapah, MD, PhD
Lab Postdoctoral Fellow
Current Position: Assistant Professor, Texas Children’s/Baylor College of Medicine, Duncan Neurological Research Institute
Past Member: Natasha Pacheco
PhD, Genetics, Genomics and Bioinformatics, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Awarded Civitan Research Fellow Funding
Current Position, Scientific Project Manager, Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research
Past Member: Heather M Minkel, PhD
PhD, Department of Neurobiology
Current Position-Associate Veterinarian, Michigan
Past Member: Sini Nwaobi, MD, PhD
PhD, Department of Neurobiology
T32 Appointee, Neurobiology, UAB
Current Position- Assistant Professor, Department of Neurology, University of California Los Angeles
Past Member: Kenneth Holt, MS, MD
MS, Neurobiology, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Current Position: Chief Resident, Brookwood Baptist Health
Past Member: Uri Kahnovitch, PhD
Lab postdoctoral fellow
Current Position, Laboratory Specialist, University of Western Ontario

the Olsen lab group in 2024!

Beatriz defends her dissertation!

The Olsen lab heads to SFN 2023.

nice sweater Ray :)

a defense celebration

we celebrate Leanne!

Leanne heads off the New York to join the Nestler lab

Jess defends!

Abbie is heading to graduate school- Vanderbilt

project sparkle- what a long day!

those lambs are made from lab supplies- so creative!

our lab logo
Michelle- when she used to do experiments

the first lab members :)

Leanne taking a break

oh Kelsey- what's up with those post-its?

oh heavenly light, bless our experiments