How are astrocytes recruited to active synapses?

This is the topic of our newest NINDS funded grant. We recently demonstrated that BDNF signaling onto the astrocyte TrkB.T1 receptor is an important regulator of astrocyte morphological maturation (Holt et al., 2019). This grant is aimed at understanding if BDNF signaling at developing and active synapses facilitates astrocyte recruitment/and or structural plasticity at glutamatergic synapses.

Is astrocyte recruitment and function at the synapse disrupted in neurodevelopmental disorders?

A long-standing interest in the Olsen Lab is the function of astrocytes in healthy and aberrant brain development. We have spent a decade studying astrocytes in a devastating developmental disorder called ‘Rett syndrome’. Our current studies funded by NHLB, in collaboration with Dan Mulkey at the University in Connecticut and are aimed at investigating a role for astrocytes in disordered breathing in Rett syndrome animal models.

How does aging, brain injury and neurodegenerative disease affect astrocyte function? 

We collaborate with many amazing researchers at VT (Michelle Theus and Pamela VandeVord and Jennifer Munson) as well as researchers across the US (Stefanie Robel at UAB, Harry Sontheimer at UVA, and Rita Cowell at Southern Research Institute). In ongoing studies funded by the CURE Epilepsy Foundation, the DOD and NIA we are evaluating astrocytes in brain injury', healthy aging and in neurodegenerative Alzheimer and Parkinson disease models. 

Our funding and collaborators

  • Vascular Injury, Gliosis & Neurogenesis as Drivers for Post-Traumatic Epilepsy

    CURE, Post-Traumatic Epilepsy Award Program, W81XWH-15-2-0069 (PI Olsen, Sontheimer, Robel, Theus, Vandevord)

    The goal of this multi-PI grant is is to develop and establish relevant animal models of impact-related PTE, and to evaluate changes in astrocyte gene and protein expression as drivers of epilepsy.

  • TrkB.T1 signaling in astrocytes

    NIH/NINDS R01 NS120746 (PI Olsen)

    The major goal of this grant is to determine the role of BDNF/TrkB.T1 signaling in astrocyte structural and functional plasticity in the somatosensory cortex.

  • Glial chemosensitivity and control of breathing in Rett syndrome

    NIH/NHLB R01 HL104101 (PI Olsen, Mulkey)

    The major goal of this renewal is to understand the role of astrocytic function and Kir4.1/5.1 astrocyte potassium channels in disrupted breathing in Rett Syndrome. This grants a collaboration between myself and Dan Mulkey, Professor in the Department of Physiology and Neuroscience at the University of Connecticut.

  • Changes in cerebrovascular function with aging in normal or AD brain

    NIH/NIA R01 AG065836 (PI Sontheimer)

    The major goal of this grant is to study astrocyte function at the vascular process, protein and gene expression across healthy aging and in AD. Harald Sontheimer, Professor and Chair of the neuroscience Department at UVA serves as the PI of this award.

  • Interstitial Fluid Flow in Alzheimer Disease

    NIH/NIA R01AG071661 (PI-Munson)

    The major goal of this proposal is to measure, manipulate and model interstitial fluid flow as it relates to pathology in Alzheimer disease and to understand the role of glia in this process. Jennifer Munson, associate professor at the Fralin Biomedical Institute serves as the PI of this award.

  • Glial involvement in redox homeostasis in the substantia nigra

    NIH/NINDS R01NS124037 (PI Cowell)

    The major goal of this proposal is to evaluate the particular vulnerability of the substantia nigra to inflammation and the role of glial cells in this process. Rita Cowell, Fellow and Chair of the Neuroscience Department and Drug Discovery Division at Southern Research Institute serves as the PI of this award.